This is Ginger, our seven year-old pitbull. No - she is NOT mean or vicious, like everyone says pitbulls are (that's a whole other story....). She is the love of our lives! She is the most loving, loyal, smart dog. She LOVES to cuddle and be right in the middle of everything - just like her dad, Ferd.
This is Ferd - Ginger's dad. What a dog he was. Ferd has one amazing story of survival and determination. Mike's family found Ferd abandoned, bloody and freezing in a garage. To make a long story short, Mike was able to keep Ferd. They became unseperable best friends... Ferd saving Mike's life several times. About a year ago, we found out that Ferd had cancer. After watching his condition slowly get worse -but never giving up - we decided that it was time to put Ferd down. It was one of the hardest decisions we've ever had to make. ...Like putting one of your own children down. :( We sure loved Ferd. He always fought to the end - no matter the circumstance. We sure miss him, but are so glad that we have a little piece of him, named Ginger, in our home. ;)