This is why I love the Spring in the South, y'all. Really. Not only do we have 70-80 degree weather already, but we have good 'ol Southern cookin'. Loooooooooooovvve me some Southern food.
There is a place in Memphis called Fat Larry's that is number one on my list. THE best barbeque I've ever had. So good. I always get the fried pickles, bbq pork, and coleslaw. I know, I'm drooling on the keyboard too just thinking about it.
While we're not in Memphis, there is a place here in Starkville called The Little Dooey that we like. It's a super famous bbq place that is a close second... Last night we went there because we wanted to try crawfish for the first time. I loved it. It was just like bite sized lobster. I told Mike we have to go back every date night until crawfish season is over, it was that good; and that I want to learn how to cook them so when we come home in the summer we can have a crawfish boil for everyone! :)
[These pictures aren't very good because I took them with my phone. But I was that excited about eating crawfish... I just felt so Southern! :)]

It was only $3.50/lb - can you say 'woohoo for cheap dinners?' ha ha
As long as I didn't look at their beady little eyes I was good.
I can't wait to share it, y'all!!