So... Mike has started school finally. They're really still just in the orientation stages, but it's school nonetheless. He is so excited! I'm not sure which he's more excited for - to learn the stuff or to get the books! :) ...which are RIDICULOUSLY expensive by the way.
Mississippi is still great.
Other than the "Fourth-of-July-a-mony" last Sunday, the ward is awesome too. We've already made some great friends. I'm so glad to have that base. I'd be SO bored and even more homesick without it.
...Speaking of which... The closest temple to us is 3 hours away in Memphis. So we decided to make a day out of it last Saturday and get a session in before things got too hecktic around here. So we head to Memphis... Three hours later we arrive in Memphis... Drive up to the front gates... "Hmmm.... Sure looks dead around here...." "Well, let's call their number." "Hello, you have reached the Memphis temple. Just a reminder, we will be closed Saturday, July 3 for the holiday." UUUGGHH!!!!!
That sucked. Call us true Utahans, but don't they get Monday off?? Needless to say, it kind of truned out to be a crummy day, having to drive for 6 hours to do nothing. (Not much to see in Memphis. It's actually kind of a hole to be honest.) Guess we learned our lesson, huh.
We've finally finished unpacking though (well, except for Harli's room) and painting Harli's room and the kitchen cabinets, which feels really nice. I love our house! It's just perfect for us. (I'll post some pictures soon.)
In the mean time, I'm just hanging out at home while Mike is at school. I actually really like it. It's a nice change. My nesting instinct has kicked in, and when I'm done, Harli's room is going to rock! ;)
Pictures coming soon!
Miss y'all.