Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So tonight was the first night that we tried the Cry-It-Out method to put Harli to sleep. Oy. So hard. I cried. Harli cried. Bad deal.
I feel so guilty! I know it's only a few nights of sadness, but it's so hard to hear her cry so much! :(
We tried to watch TV to distract us, but it was still traumatic.
Any good ideas?


  1. Ear plugs. They block out just enough that you can't hear every little sound, but you can still hear enough to know if there's a problem. It's the only way I survived with my second.

  2. Yes! Ear plugs. Nathan had to hold me down on the couch the first night we did it, but Norah got the hang of it after two or three nights, so stick to your guns. I know it is SO hard to do.

  3. After about 3 or 4 nights, she will get used to it, and it will be SOOO much better, and so worth it. I know its so hard though! :(
